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Clinical and group supervision

Offering face to face, online and ​telephone supervision 

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I offer clinical supervision for trainee counsellors at level 4, recently qualified counsellors and experienced counsellors. I ask that you have professional indemnity insurance (either personally or via the organisation that you work for) and that you are a member of a professional organisation such as BACP and abide by its code of ethics. 


Effective counselling relies on the emotional health, wellbeing and development of the counsellor and clinical supervision helps to maintain this.  Supervision helps the therapist to reflect on their own feelings, thoughts, behaviour and general approach with the client.


I am trained in using the Seven-Eyed Model of Supervision. The seven eyes refer to seven different ways of looking at the client presentation and related relationships. I am also trained in using IPR (Interpersonal Process Recall). IPR helps increase awareness of covert thoughts and feelings of the client and self in the here and now during supervision which can bring clarity and potentially deepen the relationship between yourself and your client(s). 


An important factor in clinical supervision is the match between supervisor and supervisee. I aim to create an environment where you feel safe enough to bring all aspects of your work.  


I will work collaboratively with you supporting you to grow and develop through exploration of your client work and the relationship with your client(s). The aim being to enhance your skills, competence and confidence as a practitioner and also to ensure that professional ethical standards and safe practice are maintained throughout. 


I believe that supervision is a combination of support and challenge and the balance will vary depending upon where you are in your own professional development.


I work to the BACP Code of Ethics, receiving monthly supervision in accordance with them. I am a Registered Member of BACP, currently DBS Enhanced checked and approved as well as ICO registered and fully insured.



£60.00 for 1 hour
£90.00 for 1.5 hours
I offer a 20% reduced fee to trainee counsellors:
£48.00 for 1 hour
£72.00 for 1.5 hours




Here is a copy of the supervision contract for your information. I am happy to arrange a telephone consultation with you at any time as it is an opportunity to ask any questions and I can offer more information regarding how I work.


The Level 6 Advanced Certificate in Clinical Supervision also includes training in group supervision. 
I have been facilitating groups in personal development for over 20 years. I have a Diploma in The Facilitation of Personal Development along with a PGCE teaching qualification.


Group supervision is a complement to, rather than a substitute for one2one supervision, though it may reduce the frequency with which one2one supervision is needed. Group supervision enables members to reflect on their work with the support of the Group Facilitator/Supervisor.  By pooling skills, experiences and knowledge, the aim of the sessions are to improve the skills and capabilities of both individuals and the group.
The benefits of group supervision:
Supervisees can experience an increased sense of support by realising others have similar concerns

  • Allows supervisees to find new and better ways of dealing with their own situations by listening to others

  • Can allow supervisees to explore different ideas about how they will solve problems by obtaining a range of feedback from others about issues or concerns

  • Provides a safe environment where individuals can discuss their limitations and problems without criticism

  • Some individuals may find that they are more confident about opening up in a group situation than in a one2one situation

I will offer a safe space for the group and individuals in the group to feel they can be open and share and reflect with one another.
The aim of the group will be to openly share ideas, opinions, expertise and experience with one another.  Supporting one another's process and progress and ensuring safe working practices are maintained.​

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